Saturday, November 26, 2011
bagi yang suka lagu na sorpion munkin gx heran ma suara vokalis na liat di
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
translation procedures
Bab 3
Translation procedures are the technical device used to transfer the meaning of a text in one language intoa text in another language.they involve essentially adding structural or lexical elements to those present in the sl or substracting from them :eliminating elements that are obligatory in the sl but unnecessary in the tl or with no counterpart there and where disparity between the two media goes beyond language patterns ,adapting the content of the message so that the tl text will comes as close as possible to the intent of the sl text and create a similar impact .
From the examples above you can see that the change from sl into tl ,calls for addition,substraction,adaption and unstranslatabless.
Translation in the very broad sense of the trm can be listened in terms of different levels or complexity,the procedures can be in the form of:
1.translation:The means rendering the sounds of an sl into a tl from
2.transliteration: this process of rendering the letters of ane alphabet into the letters of another with a different alphabetical system .for example,from the Russian cyrillic alphabets into the latin ones or from Arabic into latin .no transliteration takes places between indonesian and english since both use the latin alphabets.
3.borrowing :many types of borrowing are made from one language to another .a procedure often used when the tl has no equivalent for the sl units is to adopt them without change but sometimes with spelling or pronounciation adjustment.
4.literal : this one-to-one structural and conceptual can include borrowings and word-for word translation this presupposes a kind of interlingual synonymy.
5. transposition: this one of the most common procedure used in translation .it involves replacing a grammatical structure in the sl with one of a different type in the tl in order to achieve the same effect .this grammatical adjustment will be dealt with more intensively in module two.
6.modulation: modulation and transposition are the two main process in translation . modulation entails a change in lexical elements ,a shift in the point of view . transposition and modulation may take place at the same time
7.adaptation: this procedure is used when the others do not suffice. It involves modifying the concept, or using a situation analogue to the sl situation though not identical to it . an adaptation may at the same time entail modulation and goes beyond can read dicken’s the great expectation in its adapted from more easily and understandingly.
In translating from one language into another language transposition and modulation are obviously the most important procedures that should be taken into account by the translator. Normally he should always study the text as a whole he can break it up into its part.the analysis will move in the opposite direction from the fragments to the whole ,from the simpler to the more complex . the smallest unit of equivalent should be determined first.
type translation
The distinction between full and partial translation relates to the extent of sl text which is submitted to the translation a full translation the entire text is submitted to the translation process,that is ,every part of the sl text is replaced by tl text material,e.g
In a partial translation ,however ,some part of part of the sl text are left unstranslated.they are simply transferred to and incorporated in the tl text ,either because they are regarded as unstranstable or for the deliberated purpose of introducing local colour into the tl text or even because they are so common and frequently used that translation is not needed
Do you notice any important change with the words in bold above in the translation ?hamburger,aids,UNDP . stay the same graphically yet perhaps they change phonologically(pronounciation).but microfilm undergoes both spelling and pronounciation change (microfilm).in the same way the Indonesian orang hutan becomes orang hutan -a change in both spelling and pronounciation in english.
The distinction between total and restricted translation relates to the level of language involved in total translation sl grammar and lexis are replced by equivalent tl grammar and lexies .This replacement entails the replacement of sl phonology/graphology by tl phonology/graphology
restricted translation at the grammatical and lexical level means,respectively, replacement of sl grammar by equivalent tl grammar.but with no replacement of lexis and replacement of sl lexis by equivalent tl lexis but with no replacement of grammar.
The third type of differentiation in translation according to catford relates to the rank in grammatical hierarchy at which translation equivslent is established .this rank translation can be it the form of:
1.Word to word translation,2.Group to group translation,3.Sentence to Sentence translation,4.Paragraph to Paragraph translation,5.Discourse to Discourse translation
In this type of translation ,lexical and grammatical adjustments should be applied to achieve equivalent in term of meaning.
Talking about type of translation in general the experts of translation devided them into three main group,that was Word-for-word translation,literal or structural translation ,free translation
Word for word translation is a translation which the sequence of the words and the number of its words is similar to the words as in the source language and tl
Literal to structural translation is a translation which the sequence or the number of the words used in sl and tl are not always similar. Because the purpose of this type of translation is to express the message from the sl into tl clearly
In the examples above ,the number of word in sl is nine words ,but in tl becomes ten words, and the sequence of words from sl to tl
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Lexical equicalence
Lexical equicalence
The notion that translation involves merely replacing words in one language with words in another is probably the most common one held by the general public . look at the examples below
Kucing cat
Buku book
Kaya rich
Makan eat
But if translation were merely the replacement of words, the appropriate procedure would be to consult a bilingual dictionary .such a dictionary would contain a list os SL words with a corresponding list list of TL words like the examples above
Anyone who has ever attempt translation will be aware of how illusory all this is .it is true that translation is concered with can sometimes be you still remember that ost English information in your vocabulary lesson .how could you say that “blue”means”biru” when I have in ind the other meaning or meanings of that word?so the best way to know the Indonesian equivalent of that words would be through context.
He is wearing glasses
My son has broken a glass
The door is made of glass
The meaning of the word “glass”in the three sentence above is determined by the specific context in which it is used .being “kacamata”,”gelas’,and”kaca”
Thus translation is more than just replacing words in one language say L1, with words in one language ,L2,or vive versa .it also includes some other linguistic considerations ,notably syntactical and semantical bearings
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
surat perjanjian jual beli
Pada hari ini, _____ tanggal _____ telah terjadi Perjanjian Jual Beli Barang oleh dan antara:
Nama :
Pekerjaan :
Alamat :
Dalam hal ini bertindak dalam jabatannya menurut dan berdasarkan Pasal _____ Anggaran Dasar PT _____ yang telah diumumkan dalam Berita Negara RI tanggal _____ No. _____ , oleh karena itu untuk dan atas nama PT _____ yang berkedudukan di _____ tersebut, selanjutnya disebut PIHAK PERTAMA.
Nama :
Pekerjaan :
Alamat :
Dalam hal ini bertindak selaku dari dan oleh karenanya untuk dan atas nama PT _____ berkedudukan di _____ , selanjutnya disebut PIHAK KEDUA.
Para Pihak menerangkan terlebih dahulu hal-hal sebagai berikut:
Bahwa PIHAK PERTAMA bermaksud membeli mesin fotokopi dari PIHAK KEDUA, dan PIHAK KEDUA setuju menjual mesin fotokopi kepada PIHAK PERTAMA berupa:
1. Jenis Barang :
2. Merek Barang :
3. Harga Per Unit :
5. Jumlah Barang :
Selanjutnya dalam perjanjian ini disebut Barang.
Para Pihak untuk itu sepakat dan mengikatkan diri dalam Perjanjian Jual Beli dengan ketentuan dan syarat-syarat yang diatur dalam pasal-pasal berikut ini:
Pasal 1
Disepakati harga Barang tersebut adalah Rp _____ (_____ Rupiah) per unit, sehingga harga keseluruhan Barang tersebut di atas adalah Rp _____ (_____ Rupiah).
Pasal 2
Pembayaran harga pembelian Barang tersebut dilakukan dalam 3 (tiga) tahap pembayaran, yaitu:
1. Pembayaran I sebesar Rp _____ (_____ Rupiah), dilakukan tunai pada saat penandatanganan Perjanjian Jual Beli ini, dan Perjanjian Jual Beli Ini sebagai kuitansi.
2. Pembayaran II sebesar Rp _____ (_____ Rupiah), dilakukan pada saat penyerahan barang tersebut, yaitu_____ hari sejak saat penandatanganan Perjanjian Jual Beli dengan menggunakan cek No. _____ .
3. Pembayaran III sebesar Rp _____ (_____ Rupiah), dilakukan dengan transfer ke rekening PIHAK KEDUA atas nama _____ , nomor rekening _____ pada Bank _____ , setelah PIHAK KEDUA selesai memberikan pelatihan kepada karyawan PIHAK PERTAMA dalam pengoperasian Barang tersebut _____ bulan sejak penandatanganan Perjanjian Jual Beli.
Pasal 3
1. PIHAK PERTAMA berhak memperoleh Barang tersebut dalam kondisi baik.
2. PIHAK KEDUA wajib menyerahkan Barang tersebut setelah PIHAK PERTAMA memberikan cek sebagai pembayaran II.
3. PIHAK KEDUA berkewajiban memberikan pelatihan kepada karyawan PIHAK PERTAMA sebanyak 2 (dua) kali, yaitu pada saat penyerahan pertama dan penyerahan terakhir.
4. PIHAK PERTAMA berhak memperoleh pelatihan untuk seluruh karyawan PIHAK PERTAMA.
Pasal 4
1. Barang tersebut akan diserahkan di kantor PIHAK PERTAMA di Jl. _____ No. _____ , yang akan dilakukan _____ hari setelah penandatangan Perjanjian ini.
2. Biaya pengangkutan dan penyerahan Barang tersebut sepenuhnya ditanggung oleh PIHAK KEDUA.
Pasal 5
1. Apabila ternyata cek PIHAK PERTAMA tidak dapat diuangkan sesuai tanggal yang tertera padanya, PIHAK PERTAMA dianggap terlambat membayar dan dikenakan denda atas keterlambatannya tersebut.
2. Denda ditetapkan sebesar Rp _____ (_____ Rupiah) dari jumlah yang harus dibayarkan PIHAK PERTAMA setiap hari dan maksimum denda adalah _____ % (_____ persen).
3. Apabila PIHAK KEDUA terlamat atau lalai megirimkan atau menyerahkan Barang tersebut dan keterlambatannya serta kelalainnya tersebut bukan disebabkan adanya force majeure, maka PIHAK KEDUA dikenakan denda sebesar _____ % (_____ persen) dari pembayaran yang telah diterima PIHAK KEDUA.
Pasal 6
Apabila terjadi perselisihan dari Perjanjian ini akan diselesaikan dengan jalan musyawarah, dan apabila tidak terjadi kesepakatan antara kedua belah pihak dalam musyawarah, maka kedua belah pihak sepakat untuk menyelesaikan dengan mengambil tempat tinggal (domisili) yang umum dan tetap di Kantor Pengadilan Negeri _____ .
Demikianlah Perjanjian ini dibuat dan ditandatangani pada hari, tanggal, bulan, tahun seperti yang disebutkan dalam awal Perjanjian ini, dibuat rangkap 2 dan bermeterai cukup yang berkekuatan hukum yang sama untuk masing-masing pihak.
_____________ ___________
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