Showing posts with label Pendidikan Bahasa inggris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pendidikan Bahasa inggris. Show all posts

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Recount Text

Recount is a text that has social function to tell the reader, a story had happened for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Recount texts can be from of personal letters, diary, history, biography or autobiography and the similar. It is supported by Warner (2009:25) that ”A recount tells the reader about something that has happened. It can be story (fictional) recount or factual recount”.  Where this event took place and when it happens, this called the orientation sequence of event is the description in some sort of order (e.g time). There may be Re-Orientation at the end which summary summarize the event. The purpose of recount text is to give the audience a description of what occurred and when it occurred.

Example of English Lesson Plan


Subject :  English
Class/Semester :  IX/1
Material : Procedure text
Skills : Listening and Speaking
Time Allotment : 1 × 45 minutes
I. Core Competence
1. Respecting and appreciating the teachings of their religion.
2. Respecting and appreciating the honest , discipline, responsibility,
 caring (tolerance, mutual assistance), polite, confident behaviors, in interacting effectively
 with the social and natural environment in arrange of socially and existence.
3. Understanding and applying knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural)
 based on his curiosity about science, technology, arts,culture and events related to
 phenomena seemed by eyes.
4. Reworking, presenting, and reasoning in the realm of concrete
 (using, parsing, composing, modifying, and creating) and the realm of the abstract
 (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and fabricated) according to
the learned in schools and other sources in the same point of view/theory.

II. Basic Competence
1.1 Grateful for the opportunity to learn English has a language of international
 communication embodied in the spirit of learning.
2.2  Showing the honest, discipline, confident, and responsibility behavior in  implementing transactional communication with teachers and friends.
3.7 Applying text structure and linguistic elements to carry out the procedure with the social function of the text stating and asking about recipes and manuals, short and simple, according to the context of its use.
4.7 Catching the meaning of the text procedures, oral and written, recipes and manually
 shaped, short and simple.
4.8 Arranging procedure texts, oral and written, short and simple, recipes and manually
  shaped, with attention to social functions, text structure and linguistic elements are correct
  and appropriate context.


According to Larson (1984:15) translation is calssified into two main types, namely form-based and meaning-based translation. Form-based translation attemps to follow the form of the Source Language and is known as literal translation, while meaning-based translation makes every effort to communicate the meaning of the SL in the natural forms on the receptor language. Such translation is called idiomatic translation.
Larson (1984:16) says that idiomatic translation use the natural forms of the receptor language both in the grammatical constructions and in the choices of lexical items. A trully idiomatic translation does not sound like a translation. It sounds like it was written originally in the receptor language. Therefore, a good translator will try to translate idiomatically. This is his or her goal.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

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Thursday, September 4, 2014

skripsi bahasa inggris

if you need refrence for writing a paper or journal/skripsi you can use my paper, for search refrence,below


Advantages and Disadvantages of Skimming Technique

Reading  through  scanning  technique  has  some  advantages  and  disadvantages.  It
can be explained as follows:
Advantages of skimming Technique
  It  will  make  students  aware  of  the  benefits  of  the  information  available  in
reading materials both authentic and inauthentic because this technique also
prepares the students to be independent reader.
  It will make students aware of reading strategy  is used to find the stated and
unstated information in certain text as this technique does not only focus on
asking the students to do reading test but also focus on equipping the students
with the technique used in different texts.
Disadvantages of skimming technique
  It  will  take  time  if  the  teacher  does  not  allocate  the  time  appropriately.
Moreover, if the students have many problems in reading and the teacher does
not prepare for the solution, the teacher will need time to think of the various
  It  will  possibly  make  the  teacher  need  to  prepare  students  to  face  the
possibility of the occurance of many question types.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Scanning Technique

Reading  through  scanning  technique  has  some  advantages  and  disadvantages.  It
can be explained as follows:
  The students are able to get the information quickly, directly and specifically.
  The students are trained to run their eyes over a text quickly in order to locate
specific information (Suparman, 2005: 55).
  The students are practiced to think of clues to find the specific information.
  The  students  are  stimulated  to  be  creative  and  active  in  both  asking  and
answering  the  question  about  specific  information  and  clues  related  to  the
texts (Beare, 2006: 3).
  Scanning means reading quickly, in this case sometimes the students ignore
to select which one the most important information.
  The students might not read all of the information as they just scanning  the
basic information.
The  researcher  assumes  that  scanning  is  a  possible  technique  for  students  to
applied in their reading. The students can be creative and active to think of clues
to  find  specific  information  of  the  text  their  reading.  Besides  identifying  the
specific  information,  the  students  are  trained  to  think  of  clues  for  the  detail
information. Needles to say, scanning technique can motivates them to be active
in finding the specific information in texts.

The Concept of Semantic Mapping

Broomley (1992:218) explains that a semantic map or web is a graphic representation of categories of information and their relationship to each other.
While Rubin (1993:79) states that:
Semantic mapping is a technique for organizing information: it helps to give structure or order. It helps people to see the relationship among concepts, and it shows the various ways that information can be organized and categorized in more general or more specific categories.
Furthermore, Gunning (1992:162) more clearly defines that mapping or webbing is a way of organizing information graphically according to categories. It can be used for concepts, vocabulary, topics and background. It also may be used as a study device to track the plot and character development of a story or as a prewriting exercise.
In relation to vocabulary development, the instructional sequence of semantic mapping is as follows: (1) Select a word central to the topic, (2) Display the target word. Put the word in a circle in the middle of the board, (3) Invite the students to generate as many words as possible that relate to the target word. Ask students to brainstorm and think of the ideas that come to their head when they think of the word. Record the words on a chart or on the blackboard, (4) Have the students write the generated words in categories. After all the brainstorming has taken place, discuss how the information could be placed into categories, (5) Have the students label the categories. Label and add extra information to each category, (6) From this list, construct a map, (7) Lead the class in a discussion that focuses on identifying meanings and uses of words, clarifying ideas, highlighting major conclusions, identifying key elements, expanding ideas and summarizing information (Masters, Mori & Mori: 1993) cited in Fatima (2004)
Semantic mapping may be presented in a variety of ways. Johnson and Pearson (1984) cited in Gunning (1992:164) state that the procedures for presenting semantic mapping are as follows:
  1. Introduce the concept, term or topic to be mapped. Write the key word for it on the chalkboard, overhead transparency or chart paper.
  2. Brainstorm. Ask students to tell what other words come to mind when they think of the key word. Encourage them to volunteer as many words as they can. This may be done orally or students may write their list and share them
  3. Group the words by category, discussing why certain ones go together. If the new words that you planned to teach are not suggested, present them and discuss them. Encourage students to supply category names.
  4. Create the class map and put it on a large sheet of paper so that the class can refer to it and add it.
  5. Once the map has been finished, discuss it. Encourage the students to add items to   already established categories or to suggest new categories.
  6. Extend the map. As students discover, through further reading, additional new words related to the topic or key word, add these to the chart

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Function of Classroom Management

Classroom management function are:
a.       Realize the situation and condition of the class, either as a learning environment as well as study groups, which enable learners to learn and do better.
b.       Removing barriers that can hamper the learning interaction
c.        Provide and manage facilities and equipment that support learning and enable students to learn in accordance with social, emotional, and intellectual student in the classroom.
d.       Nurture and guide students in accordance with the social, economic, cultural and individual characteristics (Dirjen PUOD dan Dirjen Dikdasmen, 1996:2).

Classroom management

Classroom management is an aspect of education that is often used as a major concern by prospective teachers, new teachers, and even experienced teachers. Because prospective teachers, new teachers, and teachers who are experienced desirous that learners can learn optimally. Definition of management of the word " Management" . Be translated into management , means the process of using resources effectively to achieve targets . While management is a process that provides oversight on all matters involved in the implementation and achievement of objectives . Classroom management is intent refers to the creation of atmosphere or classroom conditions that allow students in the class can learn effectively . Classroom is a real social context where its elements (teacher and learner) enter into equally real social relationship each other, but, in the sense of education, it's an environment for teaching and learning process.

Classroom management is a series of teachers' activities in an attempt to create and maintain a classroom environment that allows learners achieve their learning goals are efficiency to enable learners to learn well.
Managerial class activities intended to create and maintain a classroom atmosphere so that teaching and learning can take place on an ongoing basis. Among other managerial activities such as developing a good relationship between teachers and learners, with immediate reward, develop rules in group activities, student behavior termination distorted or not in accordance with the rules. Thus, in the teaching-learning process in schools can be distinguished the two groups of problems, namely the problem of teaching and classroom management issues. Definition of
Classsroom Management is a systematic designing of the class to create conditions in which effective teaching and learning can ooccur or the teacher’s ability to manage classroom effectively and efficiently.

Skimming & Scanning

What is “Skimming & Scanning”?   

Skimming & Scanning is a style of reading and information processing.  There are some who argue that 

skimming and scanning is more of a searching technique than a reading strategy.  But it all depends on the 

purpose for reading.  For example, one could read for pure enjoyment, while in another situation, one could read 

for inquiring about information or to successfully complete a proposed activity/task.   


What is “skimming?”  

It is a strategy that can be taught to students to help them identify the main ideas in text.  It is important to 

correlate “skimming” to reading, making it clear that it is not word-by-word reading. Rather it is three to four 

times faster than normal reading. Generally, skimming is used to get through text very quickly. Consequently, 

skimming is used when students have a lot of reading material to get through, or have been assigned a task in an 

activity that requires some quick reading first, prior to completing the task.  Skimming has also been used as a 

strategy in research when the student wants to determine if a text/article is a resource than can be used. 

How is skimming done? 

When seeking specific information related to a topic/theme or an answer to a question or a prompt, it is best to 

employ skimming.  The skill of skimming allows for you to read the headings, titles, subheadings and 

illustrations with captions, as well as reading the first and last paragraph of a text/article.  Indeed, skimming 

works well to identify dates, names, places or specific items. It also allows for the reader to quickly review 

charts, tables and graphs.   

What is “scanning?” 

Scanning is a skill that allows for students to search for key words/concepts/ideas. More often than not, the 

student knows exactly what he/she is looking for.  So the assigned task is finding out specific information, such 

as finding the name of an individual in a telephone directory or looking for a word in a dictionary.  

How is scanning done? 

When a student is asked to employ scanning in a task, this process involves moving the eyes quickly through 

the text (or down a page) looking for specific words and/or phrases.  Scanning can also be used in a research 

project, where the student can scan the text to determine whether it will provide the information he/she is 

looking for.  It is important to note, once you have scanned a text, you might go back and skim the text to 

identify the main ideas.  

Remember to emphasize with your students that scanning involves using the author’s use of organizer’s (i.e., 

numbers, letters, steps, or the sequence words of First, Second, Third…You can also encourage your students to 

look for words that are bold faced, italicized or in a different font size, style or color.  It is also important to 

point out that authors can place important information in the text’s margin .  

Developed By: Rosa Alcalde Delgado, Ed.M. 

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