Sunday, December 28, 2014

Example of English Lesson Plan


Subject :  English
Class/Semester :  IX/1
Material : Procedure text
Skills : Listening and Speaking
Time Allotment : 1 × 45 minutes
I. Core Competence
1. Respecting and appreciating the teachings of their religion.
2. Respecting and appreciating the honest , discipline, responsibility,
 caring (tolerance, mutual assistance), polite, confident behaviors, in interacting effectively
 with the social and natural environment in arrange of socially and existence.
3. Understanding and applying knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural)
 based on his curiosity about science, technology, arts,culture and events related to
 phenomena seemed by eyes.
4. Reworking, presenting, and reasoning in the realm of concrete
 (using, parsing, composing, modifying, and creating) and the realm of the abstract
 (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and fabricated) according to
the learned in schools and other sources in the same point of view/theory.

II. Basic Competence
1.1 Grateful for the opportunity to learn English has a language of international
 communication embodied in the spirit of learning.
2.2  Showing the honest, discipline, confident, and responsibility behavior in  implementing transactional communication with teachers and friends.
3.7 Applying text structure and linguistic elements to carry out the procedure with the social function of the text stating and asking about recipes and manuals, short and simple, according to the context of its use.
4.7 Catching the meaning of the text procedures, oral and written, recipes and manually
 shaped, short and simple.
4.8 Arranging procedure texts, oral and written, short and simple, recipes and manually
  shaped, with attention to social functions, text structure and linguistic elements are correct
  and appropriate context.

III. Indicators
1. Showing the spirit in teaching learning process.
2. Showing the honest, discipline, confident, and responsibility behavior.
3. Understanding text structure and linguistic elements to carry out the procedure with
the social function of the text stating and asking about recipes and manuals, short and
 simple, according to the context of its use.
4. Making oral procedure texts, short and simple, recipes and manually shaped,
 with attention to social functions, text structure and linguistic elements correctly
 and in appropriate context.

IV. Learning Aim
1. Students are able to appreciate the opportunity to learn English as an international
 language consistently.
2. Students are able to show the honest, discipline, confident, and responsibility behavior
in everyday life.
3. Students are able to explain the structure and linguistic elements of procedure text
 to carry out the procedure with the social function of the text stating and asking about
 recipes and manuals, short and simple, according to the context of its use.
4. Students are able to make and present the oral procedure text, short and simple, 
recipes and manually shaped, with attention to social functions, text structure and
 linguistic elements correctly and appropriate context.
V. Teaching Material
Text oral procedure by stating and asking about recipes and manuals (in attachment 1)
- Definition of  Procedure test
Procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something
- Social function
To describe how something is accomplished through a sequences of actions or
 step by step to achieve the best results efficiently, avoiding accidents, damage, wastage.
- The structure of the text
a. Goal / Aim : showing the purpose
b. Material (not always have to exist)
c. The steps are sequential
- Elements of language
(1) A description of the action in the Simple Present tense
(2) Use of  imperative : e.g. Enter. Insert, Mix, Cut, Stir
(3) Use of action verb : e.g. turn, put, mix, shake, fill
(4) Use of Adverbs     : e.g. Slowly. quickly, carefully, lightly
(5) Use temporal conjunction : e.g.firstly, then, after that, finally
(6) speech, words stress, intonation, when presented orally.
- topics
How to cook, do the games, use or operate equipment, projects, etc..,By giving
 the example of the behavior discipline, efficient, environmental friendly, responsibility.

VI. Teaching Method
1. Approach  : Scientific Approach
2. Method : Audio visual with learner centered
3. Technic : observing, discussion, asking-question, practicing
VII. Learning Activities
Pre Activity
a. Teacher greets the students using English in order to create English Environment
b. Teachers and students pray together
c. Teacher checks the student’s attendance
d. Students receive informations of competence, material, purpose, benefits, and
 lessons that will be implemented.
Main Activity
ΓΌ Observing
- Students listen to / watch the teacher’s performance how to make 
Cappuccino Coffee with choco granule
- Students watch to the video of How to withdraw money use ATM Card.
- Students pay attention to the social function, the structure of the text,
 linguistic elements, as well as the delivery format / text entry procedure
ΓΌ Questioning
- Teacher gives  chance to students to ask questions and students giving
 feedback about the material or materials on the social function, the phrase associated 
with the material, and linguistic elements
ΓΌ Exploring
- Teacher divides the students into four groups consist of 4-6 students
- Teacher gives a different topic to make oral procedure text for each group
- Each group discuss and make an oral procedure text with specified topic

ΓΌ Associating
- Students relate the procedure text that established with previous material are presented
ΓΌ Communicating
- One of each group come to the front of class and present and share the procedure text
 that they have made in the group.
- The other group give feedback and teacher gives confirmation about the performance
 of the presentation.
Post activity
a. Students with teacher conclude the learning.
b. Students reflect on the activities that have been carried out
Students answer the questions given by the teacher

VIII. Media
Audio/Video, Slide, White Board, Board marker, paper
IX. Source
- English Text book for 9th junior high school
X. Assessments
1. Knowledge Assessment (in attachment 2)
2. Skill Assessment (in attachment 3)
3. Scoring rubrics (in attachment 4)
Attachment 1
Teaching Material
How to make Cappuccino Coffee with choco granule
Ingredients :
1. 150 cc Hot water
2. 1 sachet (25g) Cappuccino Coffee
3. 1 small sachet choco granule
1. 1 Cup
2. 1 tea spoon
Steps :
- Firstly,  put in 1 sachet (25g) Cappuccino Coffee into the cup
- Then, pour 150 cc Hot water
- After that Stir well until the coffee are dissolved
- Add 1 small sachet choco granule if you want to
- Finally, serve the coffee in hot
How to turn  the Laptop off properly
- Laptop
    Steps :
- First, click start menu on left corner of screen monitor
- Then, Choose switch user
- after that , click shut down button on monitor screen
- Finally, wait until screen off properly

Attachment 2
Attitude Assessment

Assessment Technique
Assessment time
In T-L process
Observation Sheet


Observation Sheet




Attitude assessment rubrics
a. honesty
5 = Never show dishonest attitude
4 = ever show dishonest attitude
3 = several time show dishonest attitude
2 = often show dishonest attitude
1 = very often show dishonest attitude
b. confidence
5 = never show an attitude of confidence
4 = ever show attitude of confidence
3 = several time show attitude of confidence   
2 = often show attitude of confidence
1 = very often show attitude of confidence
c. communicative
5 = never show uncommunicative attitude
4 = ever show uncommunicative attitude
3 = several time show uncommunicative attitude
2 = often show uncommunicative attitude
1 = very often show uncommunicative attitude

Attachment 3
1. Knowledge Assessment
Competence Achievement Indicator
Assessment Technique
Assessment Form
Understanding text structure and linguistic elements to carry out the procedure with the social function of the text stating and asking about recipes and manuals, short and simple, according to the context of its use.
Oral test
Short essay
Students watch video how to withdraw money using ATM card, and answer the question orally.
Watch the video of how to withdraw money using ATM card, then answer the questions below!
1. What is the goal of procedure text on video?
2. What are the materials that used in video if exist?
3. Mention the steps of how to withdraw money using ATM card aloud and clearly!
        Answer key
1. The goal is to withdraw money using ATM card.
2. ATM card and ATM Machine
3. The steps are :
4. Insert your ATM card into ATM machine
5. Enter your PIN number
6. Select cash withdrawal
7. Enter the digit number how much money what you want to
8. Select OK/Yes if correct
9. Wait until the  money out
10. Take your money
11. Take your ATM card Back
Scoring Rubrics
1. For question number 1 and 2 , each right answer is given score10
2. For number 3 have 8 answer, each right answer  is given score 10
3. Sum of maximum score (2 x 10 )+ (8x10) = 100
4. Students score : right answer x 10
Attachment 4
1. Skill Assessment
Competence Achievement Indicator
Assessment Technique
Assessment Form
Formulate oral and written recount text, short and simple, about activities, events, taking into account the social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements correctly and in context.
Students work in groups make oral procedure text with different topics were choose by teacher then one of each group present the result in front of the class.
Skill Assessment Rubrics
good correct response, precise intonation, and fluent pronunciation
correct response, precise intonation, and fluent pronunciation
correct response, precise intonation, and rather fluent pronunciation
correct response, incorrect intonation, and rather fluent pronunciation
incorrect response, intonation, and pronunciation
Very Good


Lahat, 7th July 2013
     Head Master                                                                          English Teacher

  Muhammad.                                                                                                  Muksin                                                           

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