Lexical equicalence
The notion that translation involves merely replacing words in one language with words in another is probably the most common one held by the general public . look at the examples below
Kucing cat
Buku book
Kaya rich
Makan eat
But if translation were merely the replacement of words, the appropriate procedure would be to consult a bilingual dictionary .such a dictionary would contain a list os SL words with a corresponding list list of TL words like the examples above
Anyone who has ever attempt translation will be aware of how illusory all this is .it is true that translation is concered with can sometimes be misleading.do you still remember that ost English information in your vocabulary lesson .how could you say that “blue”means”biru” when I have in ind the other meaning or meanings of that word?so the best way to know the Indonesian equivalent of that words would be through context.
He is wearing glasses
My son has broken a glass
The door is made of glass
The meaning of the word “glass”in the three sentence above is determined by the specific context in which it is used .being “kacamata”,”gelas’,and”kaca”
Thus translation is more than just replacing words in one language say L1, with words in one language ,L2,or vive versa .it also includes some other linguistic considerations ,notably syntactical and semantical bearings
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