The distinction between full and partial translation relates to the extent of sl text which is submitted to the translation a full translation the entire text is submitted to the translation process,that is ,every part of the sl text is replaced by tl text material,e.g
In a partial translation ,however ,some part of part of the sl text are left unstranslated.they are simply transferred to and incorporated in the tl text ,either because they are regarded as unstranstable or for the deliberated purpose of introducing local colour into the tl text or even because they are so common and frequently used that translation is not needed
Do you notice any important change with the words in bold above in the translation ?hamburger,aids,UNDP . stay the same graphically yet perhaps they change phonologically(pronounciation).but microfilm undergoes both spelling and pronounciation change (microfilm).in the same way the Indonesian orang hutan becomes orang hutan -a change in both spelling and pronounciation in english.
The distinction between total and restricted translation relates to the level of language involved in total translation sl grammar and lexis are replced by equivalent tl grammar and lexies .This replacement entails the replacement of sl phonology/graphology by tl phonology/graphology
restricted translation at the grammatical and lexical level means,respectively, replacement of sl grammar by equivalent tl grammar.but with no replacement of lexis and replacement of sl lexis by equivalent tl lexis but with no replacement of grammar.
The third type of differentiation in translation according to catford relates to the rank in grammatical hierarchy at which translation equivslent is established .this rank translation can be it the form of:
1.Word to word translation,2.Group to group translation,3.Sentence to Sentence translation,4.Paragraph to Paragraph translation,5.Discourse to Discourse translation
In this type of translation ,lexical and grammatical adjustments should be applied to achieve equivalent in term of meaning.
Talking about type of translation in general the experts of translation devided them into three main group,that was Word-for-word translation,literal or structural translation ,free translation
Word for word translation is a translation which the sequence of the words and the number of its words is similar to the words as in the source language and tl
Literal to structural translation is a translation which the sequence or the number of the words used in sl and tl are not always similar. Because the purpose of this type of translation is to express the message from the sl into tl clearly
In the examples above ,the number of word in sl is nine words ,but in tl becomes ten words, and the sequence of words from sl to tl
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