Saturday, October 11, 2014

Cara Mudah Membuat Scroll Widget Archive Blog Dengan Css

untuk mempercepat load blog anda anda bisa menggunakan scroll blog anda berikut caranya

  1. Pertama , pastikan anda sudah memasang widget archive
  2. Selanjutnya masuk editor template [ edit html ]
  3. Kemudian cari kode ]]></b:skin> atau </style> dan letakkan script kode berikut ini tepat di atasnya.
  4.  #BlogArchive1 .widget-content{height: 300px;margin: 10px;width: auto;overflow: auto;}
  5. Terakhir simpan template dan lihat hasilnya

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Factor is difficult to understand why English students ?


Fear the students in learning English is because English is the second language of the Indonesian national language , other factors that affect the difficulty of students to learn English is still the lack of people , who use English in daily life to - day .

Bilingual semantic memory

the organization of words various information about words is presumably more complex in a bilingual’s that a monolingual’s memory, because words have to be organized not only by meaning but also by language.
words from two languages might be stored

READING AND WRITING A BALANCE OF SKILLS being able to read and write enables an EFL learner to speak more communicatively

The need for all four skills
There is common view among academics, teachers, and goverment officials in Asia, that Asian ELF learners shouldfocus on listening and speaking skills more than reading and writing, this is serious misperception of the needsof these children and what they are capable of. An ESL lerners may be able to pict up alot of English naturally without learning to read or write, but is difficult for an Asian EFL learner to pick up spoken English in this way. The chilcren need to be able to read and write in order to speak beyond a besic level.

Teaching Media

A. Definition
The word media comes from the Latin medius, which literally means "middle", "middle", or "introduction". In Arabic, the media is the medium () or introductory message from the sender to the receiver of the message.
According to Gerlach and Ely (1971), when the media is understood broadly human, material or events that establish conditions that enable the child to acquire knowledge, skills or attitudes. So that teachers, textbooks and school environment media.
Fleming (1987: 234) states the media serves to organize an effective relationship between the two parties, namely students and content.
Hainich et al (1982) suggested the term media as an intermediary that transmits information between the source and the receiver.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Cara Membuat Kolom Komentar Bertingkat di Blogger

Banyak cara untuk membuat kolom komentar bertingkat di blogger, maksudnya bertingkat adalah antara kolom komentar pengunjung dengan kolom komentar admin tidak sejajar. Dengan fitur komentar bertingkat ini, kita dapat langsung menuliskan balasan komentar di bawah komentar pengunjung yang ingin kita balas dengan mengeklik link "Balas" yang ada di bawah komentar pengunjung tersebut. Nantinya, bila komentar balasan ini telah dipublikasikan maka komentar itu akan muncul di bawah komentar yang dibalas seperti halnya pada komentar blog WordPress.

Panduan menggunakan Appsheet untuk orang awam

  Penulis:  Bard (large language model from Google AI), 3 Juni 2024 AppSheet adalah platform pengembangan aplikasi tanpa kode (no-code) yang...