Monday, October 6, 2014

Cara Membuat Kolom Komentar Bertingkat di Blogger

Banyak cara untuk membuat kolom komentar bertingkat di blogger, maksudnya bertingkat adalah antara kolom komentar pengunjung dengan kolom komentar admin tidak sejajar. Dengan fitur komentar bertingkat ini, kita dapat langsung menuliskan balasan komentar di bawah komentar pengunjung yang ingin kita balas dengan mengeklik link "Balas" yang ada di bawah komentar pengunjung tersebut. Nantinya, bila komentar balasan ini telah dipublikasikan maka komentar itu akan muncul di bawah komentar yang dibalas seperti halnya pada komentar blog WordPress.

Membuat gadget berita teruodate untuk di tampilkan diblog anda

Berita terbaru secara online dari beberapa media berita dapat seara otomatis ditampilkan pada blog anda.dengan menambahkan widget anda tidask harus membaca koran ,tapi melalui blog anda bisa update informasi

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Brief History of Semantics

Alfred Korzybski was the first to try to learn the semantics , he is not a linguist . Before introducing his Korzybski , semantics have seen from the perspective of non- scientific . But Korzybski was the first to make a scientific model for studying semantics .Korzybski began to describe all entities and reality by giving them labels . He went further to name the group into three . He has names for common objects such as chairs , rocks , cows etc. He also has a label for the group and the collection as ' nation , animals , humans , etc. The third group did not have a label Korzybski referents that can be identified in the outside world .

An analysis of ” The old man and the little boy“ short story

The Elements of Fiction

1.      Title                 : ” The old man and the little boy“

2.      Plot                  : Progressive
a.       Exposition
Introduce character old man and little boy
b.      Complication
The shopkeeper drive out the old man and  Abe
c.       Crisis
The old man get fever
d.      Climax
the old man had fallen out of the bed.
e.       Resolution
Ending, the old man die

Indonesian short story

The old man and the little boy
By : Nirwati Yapardi

They were walking along the street, the old man and his seven year old grandson. The old man was a sackful of discarded junk to be sold on his hunched back. The boy, Abe, was carrying a few unsold newspapers.
It was dusk, time for them to go to home. Suddenly Abe saw something in one of the shop windows that made him grab his grandfather’s arm.

An Analysis of ten steps short stories

The Elements of Fiction
1.      Title                 : Ten Steps
2.      Writer             : Robert Littell
3.      Synopsis          :
I was in room on the second floor. Then I took a bath, after that I was gone around my home room by room. I came into the parlor. I took out an envelope and put some money in it and wrote “for Mae” on it and put it on the top of the desk. In the kitchen I saw Mae shelling peas. She asked me,” When you come back bring some stove polish with you” and I answered “I was going now”.

Short stories

Ten Steps
By Robert littell

I put on a clean collar. I was in our room on the second floor where I could she into the Hubbell’s yard and the ring on the stone post where they tie up their dog. The dog wasn’t there. The collar with I took off had two kind of laundry marks on the inside, one mark from the laundry where I used to take my shirts and a second mark from the present laundry. Then I washed my hands.

Panduan menggunakan Appsheet untuk orang awam

  Penulis:  Bard (large language model from Google AI), 3 Juni 2024 AppSheet adalah platform pengembangan aplikasi tanpa kode (no-code) yang...