Saturday, October 4, 2014

An Analysis of ten steps short stories

The Elements of Fiction
1.      Title                 : Ten Steps
2.      Writer             : Robert Littell
3.      Synopsis          :
I was in room on the second floor. Then I took a bath, after that I was gone around my home room by room. I came into the parlor. I took out an envelope and put some money in it and wrote “for Mae” on it and put it on the top of the desk. In the kitchen I saw Mae shelling peas. She asked me,” When you come back bring some stove polish with you” and I answered “I was going now”.
 I went the yard. There I saw my kid playing. I said, “so long, son,” to him, but he didn’t say anything. He was too busy. I went to street then I went to the police station, to tell I killed Sam Matthews. Captain Rogers asked me to write out a confession but before I did it, I want to write down the last things which I saw in my house
4.      Plot      : Progressive
a.       Exposition, In first until fifth paragraph
b.      Complication, In sixth paragraph
c.       Crisis, In seventh until ninth paragraph
d.      Climax , In tenth paragraph
e.       Resolution, In eleventh paragraph

5.      Character  &  Characterization        :  
Based on Characterization
·         I
He is be responsible and brave confess his fault, although he killed Sam Matthew (in tenth and eleventh paragraph, care with his family (in sixth paragraph, second line, in sentence” I took out an envelope from the bottom drawer and put some money in it and wrote ‘for Mae’ on it and put it on the top of the desk”).
·          Mae (wife of I)
She is focus when working (in eighth paragraph, ninth line, in sentence” She did not turn around when I came in”)
·          My kid
My kid is son of character “I”
·          Captain Rogers
He is a Captain in Police Station
·          Sam Matthews
He is victim who killed by I

Round  Character      :  I (in the last story, we know that character “I” kill Sam Matthews and   he confess) 
Flat Character                        :  Mae (my wife), My kid, Captain Rogers, Sam Matthews

Protagonist                :  I, Mae (my wife), My kid, Captain Rogers
Antagonist                  :  I (in ninth paragraph, we know that character “I” kill Sam Matthews)
6.      Point of view : First person
This story tell about major character “I” .
7.      Setting
a.      Setting of place :
·   Our room/bed room on the second floor, in first paragraph, first line, and third paragraph, first line.
·    Bathroom, in second paragraph, seventh line.
·    Hall, in fourth paragraph, first line.
·   The extra room, in fifth paragraph, first line.
·   Parlor, in sixth paragraph, first line.
·   Fireplace, in sixth paragraph, eighth line.
·   Kitchen, in eighth paragraph, first line.
·   The yard, in ninth paragraph, first line.
·   The garage, in tenth paragraph, first line.
·   Police station, in eleventh paragraph, eighth line.
b.      Setting of time : Nothing description about Setting of time
8.      Style : Neutral or middle, The writer using standard vocabulary and avoid longer sentences.
9.      Tone attitude :
The writer describe “I” as character who talk less do more. In eighth paragraph, ninth line, in sentence “she said, ’when you come back bring some stove polish with you.’  
I said I was going now.”
10.  Symbol            : Nothing symbol was found in story
11.   Theme            : Be responsible
12.  Moral Value   :
·         Be responsible in your mistake you do
·         Talk less do more
·         This short story tell about the man who leave his family because killing someone, before he had gone, he was done something he able for his family and surrender herself in Police Station. We can learn about be responsible in your mistake you do and Talk less do more from this short story

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