Saturday, October 4, 2014

An analysis of ” The old man and the little boy“ short story

The Elements of Fiction

1.      Title                 : ” The old man and the little boy“

2.      Plot                  : Progressive
a.       Exposition
Introduce character old man and little boy
b.      Complication
The shopkeeper drive out the old man and  Abe
c.       Crisis
The old man get fever
d.      Climax
the old man had fallen out of the bed.
e.       Resolution
Ending, the old man die

3.      Character       : Old man, little boy(Abe) ,Ali & Shopkeeper
Major Character:  Old man & Abe (little boy)
Protagonist     : - Old man
                                        Old man is grandfather of Abe, he is Charitable, wise, diligent
-   little boy(Abe)
Abe is the old man grandson, he is seven year old, he is Charitable, diligent, kind, respect, innocent
-   Ali
One of Abe’s friends at school. He is respect and nice
 Antagonist     : Shopkeeper
He is spitfire

4.      Point of view : the third person limited omniscient
Because the writer only know about the old man mind in sentence “The old man smiled gently at his grandchild. He was touched by the boy’s words.”Ah,you poor thing!” He said to himself.”If only your parents hadn’t abandoned you as baby. Who knows, your life might have been so different.”His wrinkled hand caressed Abe’s hair. Secretly he wiped away his tears. He didn’t want the boy to see them.”

5.      Setting
a.      Setting of place :
-          Street
In sentence” They were walking along the street, the old man and his seven year old grandson”
-          Shop
In sentence” suddenly Abe saw something in one of the shop windows that made him grab his grandfather’s arm.”
-          Old Man’s House
In sentence” Afterwards, the old man lay down on his bamboo bed to rest” and “It was dusk, time for them to go to home.”
-          School
In sentence “He was late for school”
-           the dump
In sentence “At the dump, Abe found him picking some empty cans”
b.      Setting of time :
 It was dusk, midnight, It was around seven thirty when he got up ,the next morning, afternoon and evening
6.      Style :
This short stories using Neutral diction. Neutral diction because this story using ordinary vocabulary, with a shunning of longer word

7.      Tone attitude :

Old man
Grandpa, ”He said,” look at the rocking chair! Isn’t it beautiful? It must be very expensive. I’d like to see you sit in it while drinking your cup of coffee. ”He could see it so clearly. He pressed his face against the shop window and said” I’ve got some money saved, but it’s probably not enough. But I promise I’ll buy that chair for you one day.”The old man smiled gently at his grandchild. He was touched by the boy’s words.”Ah,you poor thing!” He said to himself.”If only your parents hadn’t abandoned you as baby. Who knows, your life might have been so different.”His wrinkled hand caressed Abe’s hair. Secretly he wiped away his tears. He didn’t want the boy to see them.
In paragraph above, Old man was wise, he want Abe think, if Abe made joke by said” Ah,you poor thing!”, so  Abe wouldn’t buy rocking chair for him. Although, he wiped away his tears

Abe and shopkeeper
”Excuse me, sir, ”Abe interrupted, pointing to the rocking chair, ”how much is that chair?”
“why? Do you want to buy it? Do you have a lot of money ?”Asked the shopkeeper mockingly.
“not right now. But maybe later.”

In paragraph above, Abe want to know about price of rocking chair, so he asked shopkeeper. Although, shopkeeper asked mockingly. Abe still courted by said “not right now. But maybe later.”

8.      Symbol :
Wheel to describe about life in sentence” Life is like a wheel, turning round and round

9.       Theme                         : If you ever become rich, don’t look down on poor people.

10.  Moral Value   :
·         Do not give up in life although Life is difficult
·         If you ever become rich, don’t look down on poor people
·          Keep trying hard and do not give up
Short story the old man and the little boy tell Abe about life and his grandfather. By using theme If you ever become rich, don’t look down on poor people.the writers hope to readers don’t look down on poor people, Keep trying hard and Do not give up in life although Life is difficult

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