Thursday, January 1, 2015



School                               : SMP NEGERI 1 DALEN
Subject                              : English
Class/Smester                  : VII/II
Standard Competence        :   8. Listening
Understanding the meaning in oral functional text and short simple in descriptive form and procedure for interacting with nearest area.
Basic Competence              :  8.2.responding the meaning in simple monologue text accurately, fluently and acceptance with nearest area in procedure form.

Indicator                             :  
8.2.1 Identifying various information in oral monologue text in procedure form.
8.2.2 Identifying the characteristic of text which is heard .
8.2.3 Identifying function of communicative text which is heard
Type of text                        : Oral monolog text in procedure
Aspec/Skill                         : Listening
Time Allocation               : 3 x 40 menit

A.   Learning Purpose

At the and of learning students can:
1.      Identifying many information in oral monologue text in procedure form.
2.      Identifying the characteristic of procedure text.
3.      Identifying the social fungtion of tect procedure.

B.   Learning Material

1.   Concerned Vocabulary to procedure text: stir, pour, add, serve
2.   Monologue text in procedure form.

How to make iced tea
Well, students, now I want to tell you how to make a glass of tea. I think all of you have made iced tea by yourself, haven’t you? How did you find it? Of course, it’s very easy. By the way, what materials do we need to make it? We need a glass of tea, two spoonfuls of sugar, and some ice cubes. Right. Let’s make it together. First, make some strong tea, and then pour it into a glass until the glass is about three-fourths full; remember not too full; then add two spoonfuls of sugar and stir it, and what next? Put the ice cubes into the glass and serve it. Yeah, it’s very fresh. (Taken from English for Junior high school IX, page 107)

C.  Metode / Teknik :  TPR dan PPP

·                                Presentation, Practice and Production

D.  Langkah-langkahKegiatan

Every meeting is done in 3 stephs.
     - Greetings, Checking absent.
     - Pre-test, review

Main Activity
a.    Students and  teacher discuss dificult vocabularies in text.
b.   Students listen oral monologue text in procedure form.
c.    Students answer question about text.
d.   Students answer the question about the characteristics of procedure text.

Last Activity
- Teacher asks students’impression for giving feed-back about what is students trouble in this materia.
-  giving post test

E.  Study Source
a.  Relavant text bookBuku
b. Casset/script about text monolog

F. Valutation
a.  Technic              :           Written test
b.  Form                 :           Multiple choice and essay
c.  Instrumen           :           Attached


                                                                                    Pringsewu, 2 November 2012

Head Master



        I.            Listen to the cassette and fill the blanks.
Goal                 How to make a glass of tea
Materials          : - A glass______________
                          - Two spoonfuls of _________
                          - Some ice __________
Steps                : 1. Make ______________
                          2. Pour down ______________
                          3. Add ___________
                          4. Put ____ and ______
     II.            Answer the questions!
1.What is the goal of the text?
2.How many ingredients are needed to make it?
3.How much sugar do you need?
4.Do you need ice cubes?
5.What is the first step in making it?
6.What is the taste of the tea you are preparing?
7.Why should you fill the glass with tea only three-fourths full?
8.What ingredients are mixed together first?
9.What do you do next?
10.                                                     Can you change the steps of this process?

   III.            Every  true answer is given 1 score, false 0. Maximal score is 10.
  IV.            Every true answer is given 2 score, false 0. Maximal score is 10.
            value = true score x 10

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