Thursday, April 4, 2013


Read the text to answer question number 1-5
A Visit to a Wildlife Park
               I recently visited Sydney with my parents. We visited many interesting places. The one I enjoyed best was the Wildlife Park.
               The Wildlife Park has a lot different Australian animals and birds. There are over 600 animals, including kangaroos, wallabies, koala and crocodiles. They are kept in their natural surroundings. I much preferred the Wildlife Park to a zoo where a lot of animals are in cages.
               We were able to walk along the kangaroos and wallabies. We were even allowed to touch them and to feed them. It was very exciting to be very so close to them
We saw koala bears. They looked very cuddly. I got my photograph taken with one of them. It is a wonderful souvenir of my holiday in Sydney.
               We also went to see the crocodiles. The Wildlife Park has a lot of fresh-, water and salt-water crocodiles. Some of them were very big and scary with, huge teeth. I did not get very close to them.
               We also visited the aviary. There were some very colorful birds there. I really liked an old parrot which could talk.
               I wish we could have spent more time in the Wildlife Park. There was so much to see. 
1.      What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
a.    The wild life park has a lot a fresh water and salt water crocodiles
b.    We were able to walk along the kangaroos, and wallabies
c.    I much preferred the wildlife park to a zoo
d.   The wild life park has a lot different Australian animals and birds

2.      What is the generic structure of the text?
a.    Orientation > complication > resolution
b.    Goal > material > steps
c.    Orientation > events > re-orientation
d.   Identification > description

3.      …. Allowed to touch them and to feed...
The word them in paragraph 3 refers to...
a.    The visitors of wildlife park
b.    Fresh water and salt water crocodiles
c.    The kangaroos and wallabies
d.   Koala and wallabies 

4.       What is the communicative purpose of the text?
a.    To retell the readers what happened in the past
b.    To persuade the readers that something a case
c.    To describe a particular place or thing
d.   to share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident

5.      Which statement is not true based on the text?
a.    There are over 600 animals, including kangaroos, wallabies, koala and crocodiles.
b.    The Wildlife Park has a lot of fresh-, water and salt-water crocodiles
c.    I much preferred the Wildlife Park to a zoo where a lot of animals are in cages.
d.   We were able to walk along the kangaroos and crocodiles

This text is for no. 6 - 11

      I remember the day when I first got Sandy, that is my cat. It is 7 year old. I wanted to name her because she was so cute. My older sister Michelle convinced me to name her Sandy Bucket instead; so we could call her Sandy for short. I was so attached to Sandy. Every time I saw her, I couldn’t walk away; I would just have to hug her. I even slept at the end of my bed, so I can hug her the whole night even though I was freezing.
      I always remember so many fun times with Sandy. Like when we would run and jump off the end of our pier and Sandy would chase after us. When I was scared or mad, I would just hug Sandy and everything wouldn’t be so bad.
      But one night, right before I went to bed, my mom let her out. While I went to sleep, my mom went to call Sandy back in. But she didn’t come in, so I thought she maybe went inside my neighbor’s house. As my mom and dad went outside to look for Sandy, I became really worried. They couldn’t find her. Every ten minutes they would go out to look for her, so I went to bed hoping she was safe. I just thought she got lost and would come back tomorrow.
      The next day was the worst. My mom woke us early and told me and my sister, Michelle, that Sandy died last night. I was so sad and did not want to do anything that day. When I was going to school, I could not stop crying. At school all my friends made me cards and tried to make me stop crying, but I couldn’t. My teacher would always look at me and ask why I was crying. Even my friends were crying with me.
      When I got home I went to my room crying really loudly. I wanted to scream. I came downstairs and hugged my mom. She said we could get another cat. Then, she was trying to find a new cat on the internet. But I did not want another cat. I want Sandy. She never found one that looked like Sandy or at the same age or even in the same kind.
      That night I slept with my mom and we prayed for Sandy. I kept thinking she was a ghost at the end of the bed, so I stayed closed to my mom. The next day I figured out that if Sandy was a ghost, she would not scare me or haunt me. She would be waiting for me to play with her.
      I still think about Sandy every day and wish she could come back.
6.      What is the main idea of the text …
a.    The lost of beloved cat
b.    The careless of the writer’s mom
c.    Looking for Sandy
d.   The writer slept with her mom

7.      How the cat could get lost?
a.    The neighbor kept the cat in his/her house
b.    Someone took the cat to the remote area
c.    The thief took the cat
d.   The writer’s mom let the cat out one night

8.      What did the writer’s mom do to support the writer?
a.    She slept with the writer
b.    She reported to the policeman
c.    She was trying to find a new cat on the internet
d.   She bought a new cat

9.      What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
a.    I went to bed hoping she was safe
b.    The writer’s mom let Sandy out
c.    She would back tomorrow
d.   Mom and dad went outside to look for Sandy

10.  I was so attached to Sandy (paragraph 1 line 6)
What is the antonym of the underlined word above?
a.    Like                                    c. Happy
b.    Touch                      d. Near

11.  Which statement is true based on the text above?
a.    My younger sister Michelle convinced me to name her Sandy Bucket;
b.    Then, she was trying to find a new cat on the internet.
c.    One night, right before I went to bed, my father let her out
d.   Every five minutes they would go out to look for her, so I went to bed hoping she was safe.

This text is for items number 12-14
            It was a bright Sunday morning. Dedi was on vacation with his father. He wanted to learn to fish from his daddy.
            After breakfast the two of them had gone off across the lake in rowing boat. Before they pushed the boat from the shore the father told him that if he felt sick because of the sway, (ayuanan kapal), he should tell his dad. They would come right back.
            They finally were in the boat, moving to the middle of the lake. Dedi sat in the stern (buritan) watcing hos father rowing. Slowly they left the shore and immediately Deni realized that there were only water all around him. Instead of being sick, he was afraid of drowning because he couldn’t swim.
12.  Dedi felt sick because of …..
a.    Shore          c.   Boats
b.    Water          d.   Sway

13.  A lake has a lot of …..
a.    Woods        c.   Boats
b.    Water          d.   Shore

14.  We can see many kinds of ….. in the lake
a.    Fish             c.   Flower
b.    Plants          d.   Animals

Read the text to answer questions 15-17
My Day
I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks.
Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn't have enough money.
Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.

15.  What happened to the writer yesterday?
a.    He has a terrible day.                          
b.    He gets a terrible day.
c.    He had a terrible day.                         
d.   He got a terrible day.

16.  How far did the writer walk?
a.    He walked for two miles.        
b.     He walked for three miles.
c.    He walked for four miles.
d.    He walked for five miles.

17.  What does the writer hope?
a.    The writer hopes to discover that it was Sunday.
b.    The writer hopes to take a taxi.
c.    The writer hopes he never had a day like yesterday.
d.   The writer hopes that yesterday will be better.

Read the text to answer question number 18 – 19
One day, I had to teach a new English class. I read the list of new students’ names. It was kiddies’ group since they were about 9 and 10 years old.
That was the first day of The Spanish carnival, so I wanted to wear the most appropriate suit for the children’s class. Most kids usually dress up at carnival I thought. It would be more interesting if their teacher was also in carnival spirit. That was why I decided to wear my teddy bear suit and bring cuddly toys in my box
And that was what I did. I walked through the door happily. The director
watched me completely astonished. I smiled and looked straight at her. With a man beside her, she said, “ Good afternoon. I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Mendez, the director of Delta company. He is one of the participants of English course that you will teach today.”Oh my God! I nearly died! The secretary apologized to me for wrong details of  my new class
18.  The secretary apologized to the writer because……….
      a. The writer wore his teddy bear
      b. She did not remember the   
          carnival day
      c. She did not know Mr. Mendez
          was in the class
      d. She has given the wrong details
          of the new class

19.  Who is the main character in the story?
a.    The writer             c. The director
b.    Mr. Mendez          d. The secretary

Read the text to answer question number 20 - 24
On Thursday 24 April we went to the Botanical Gardens. We walked down and boarded the bus.
After we arrived at the garden, we walked down to the Education Centre. The third grade students went to have a look around. First, we went to the first farm and Mrs. James read us some information. Then, we looked
at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot in the Botanical Garden and had a morning tea break.
Next, we did sketching and then we met the fourth grade students at the Education Centre to have lunch. Soon after that, it was time for us to go and make our terrariums while the fourth year students went to have walk.
A lady took us into special room and introduced herself, then she explained what we were going to do. Next, she took us to a pyramid terrarium. It was really interesting.
After we had finished, we met the fourth grade students outside the gardens.
Then we reboarded the bus and returned to school.
20.  Most events mentioned in the text happened….
a.    at the Education Centre
b.    in the botanical garden
c.    on the bus to Botanical Garden
d.   outside the school

21.  The writer of the text is….
a.    a fourth grade students
b.    a school teacher
c.    a third grade students
d.   Mr. and Mrs. James

22.  What did the fourth grade students do after lunch?
a.    They had a walk
b.    They made their terrarium
c.    They returned to school
d.   They went to a pyramid terrarium

23.  What was the second activity of the writer during the excursion to the Botanical Garden?
a.    Gathering at the Education Centre
b.    Going to a small garden
c.    Looking at the lovely plants
d.   Visiting a beautiful lady

24.   “It was very interesting.” (par. 4) What does the underlined word refer to?
a. A pyramid terrarium
b. A specific room
c. Education Centre
d. First farm

This text is for no. 25 - 29
One day I went to Bandung with my friend for a vacation. We went there on night bus when we arrived in Cianjur, the bus stopped for a rest. I got off the bus to get a cup of coffee, but my friend didn’t. He went to a mosque to pray. It took only a few minutes to pray, but when I came out again the bus was not there. It had gone! I Shocked and confused.  I asked the shopkeeper about the bus. She said that the bus had departed about five minutes ago.
I tried to call my friend on my cell phone, but the battery was running low. I couldn’t do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus came back! I Got on the bus and walked to my seat. I was so ashamed when everybody on the bus looked at me. I could feel my face turn red.
I asked my friend why she didn’t tell the driver that I was still outside.
“I did, I told him several times that you were outside, but he said that you were in the bus toilet because he saw a man going into the toilet,” my friend replied, laughing. The other passengers smiled at me. I was so embarrassed. 
25.  What did the story tell us about?
a.    The writer was left by the bus on his trip to Bandung
b.    The writer arrived in Cianjur to visit his relatives
c.    The writer could contact his friend with the cell phone
d.   The writer got of the bus to get a cup a coffee

26.  What did the writer do when the bus stop for a rest in Cianjur?
a.    He drank a cup of coffee and prayed
b.    He bought souvenir and went to the toilet
c.    He drank a cup of coffee
d.   He drank a cup of milk and bought souvenir

27.  Why couldn’t the writer cell his friend?
a.    He didn’t bring his cell phone
b.    The battery was running low
c.    The writer’s cell phone was stolen
d.   The writer’s cell phone was broken

28.  Which statement is true based in the text above?
a.    One day I went to Cianjur with my friend for a vacation
b.    I got off the bus to get a cup of tea, but my friend didn’t
c.    The writer’s cell phone was stolen
d.   I tried to call my friend on my cell phone, but the battery was running low

29.  How did the writer fell?
a.    He felt awful
b.    He felt sad
c.    He felt angry
d.   He felt shy

Read the text to answer question number 30-33
It was Sunday morning December 26 th 2004. The day that I would never forget forever. We went to the beach in Meulaboh, Aceh. Many people were there when I arrived.
When we were enjoying the beautiful sunrise, suddenly we were shocked by a violent shake in the ground. Everybody in the beach was panic. We soon realized that it very big earthquake although it struck in a very short period of time.
After that, we saw that water going on into the middle of the sea. No wonder if there were many kinds of fish left behind on the sand. We all seemed to be astonished by the  view until realized that there was a huge wave coming towards us and destroying everything in its way.
I didn’t realize that had happened until I found myself hanging on a branch of a tree.

30.  Everybody in the beach was panic because ….
a.    the sun rise brightly
b.    there was an earthquake
c.    the beach was very enjoyable
d.   there was an amazing view in the sea

31.  What is the writer’s impression about the disaster ?
a.    He felt stress
b.    He was enjoying his trip
c.    He got unforgettable experience
d.   He got many fish on the sand

32.   “We all seemed to be astonished by ….”
The underlined words has the same meaning with ….
a.    Amazed
b.    Panicked
c.    Delighted
d.   pleased

33.  What is the purpose of the text ?
a.    To give a report
b.    To explain about the earth quake
c.    To entertain the readers
d.   To tell past events

The text is for questions 34 to 36.
Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985, in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Manchester United paid £12 million to sign him in 2003 - a record fee for a player of his age. In the 2004 FA Cup Final, he scored Manchester's first three goals and helped them capture the championship. In 2008, he set a franchise record for goals scored. In 2009, Real Madrid paid a record $131 million for his service.
It was through his dad's work as an equipment manager at a boy's club that Ronaldo was first introduced to the game of soccer. By the time he was 10 years old, he was already recognized as a phenomenon - a kid who ate, slept and drank the game. "All he wanted to do as a boy was playing football," his godfather, Fernao Sousa, recalled for British reporters, adding, "He loved the game so much that he'd miss meals or escape out his bedroom window with a ball when he was supposed to be doing his homework."
By his early teens, Ronaldo's talent and legend had grown considerably. After a stint with Nacional da liha da Madeira, he signed with Sporting Portugal in 2001. That same year, at the tender age of 16, Ronaldo turned heads with a impressing performance against Manchester United, wowing even his opponents with his footwork and deft skill. He made such an impression that a number of United players asked their manager to try and sign the young player. It wasn't long before the club paid Ronaldo's team more than £12 million for his services - a record fee for a player of his age.

34.  What was Ronaldo action for MU in year 2004?
a.       Signed new contract
b.      Scored goals to Real Madrid
c.       Won FA Cup Championship
d.      Got payment of $131 million for his service

35.  We can learn from paragraph 2 that...
a.       Ronaldo was a talented football player
b.      Ronaldo was a very energetic football player
c.       Ronaldo gained his success by his early teens
d.      Ronaldo was a legendary young football player

36.   “After a stint with Nacional da liha da Madeira, he signed with Sporting Portugal in 2001.” (Paragraph 3)
The underlined word can be replaced by...
a.       Participated
b.      Went
c.       Followed
d.      Joined

Text for question number 37- 46

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was born on 9 September 1949, in Tremas, a village in Arjosari, Pacitan RegencyEast Java, to a lower-middle class family and is the son of Raden Soekotjo and Siti Habibah.
Yudhoyono had wanted to join the army since he was a child. In school, he developed a reputation as an academic achiever, excelling in writing poems, short stories, and play-actingYudhoyono was also talented in music and sport, reflected when he and his friends established a volleyball club called Klub Rajawali and a band called Gaya Teruna.
When he was in fifth grade, Yudhoyono visited the Indonesian Armed Forces Academy (AKABRI). After seeing the soldiers training there and perhaps inspired by his own father's career, Yudhoyono became determined to join Indonesian Armed Forces and become a soldier. Yudhoyono planned to enlist after graduating from high school in 1968; however, he missed the registration period.
Yudhoyono then became a student at the Tenth of November Institute of Technology before entering the Vocational Education Development Center in Malang, East Java. There, he was able to prepare everything for the next phase of his education at AKABRI. Yudhoyono officially entered AKABRI in 1970 after passing the test in Bandung.
He graduated from the Military Academy in 1973-top in his class. He received his fourth star in 2000. In the first-ever direct presidential election in Indonesia in 2004, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, running on a platform for "more just, more peaceful, more prosperous, and more democratic Indonesia", was elected as the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia, gaining a landslide 60% of the popular vote over the incumbent President Megawati Soekarnoputri.
37.   How old is Mr. President now?
a.       Around sixty six
b.      Around sixty seven
c.       Around sixty five
d.      Around sixty four

38.  Was Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono born in a rich family?
a.       Yes, he did
b.      No, he is not
c.       No, he wasn’t
d.      Yes, he was

39.  What is the main idea of second paragraph?
a.       How he studied
b.      Mr. President’s talent
c.       Mr Bambang school
d.      Mr Bambang’ career

40.  When did he visit AKABRI?
a.       When he was in 7th grade
b.      When he was in 6th grade
c.       When he was in 5th grade
d.      When he was in 4th grade

41.  What were his talents?
a.       Dancing and singing
b.      Writing and sport
c.       Singing and sport
d.      Art and sport

42.  When did he finish study in Senior High School?
a.       In 1968
b.      In 1969
c.       In 1970
d.      In 1973

43.  What is the aim of the text?
a.       To tell how someone’s life
b.      To describe someone’s life
c.       To amuse the readers
d.      To tell someone’s biography

44.  How long did he study in AKABRI?
a.       For about one year
b.      For about two years
c.       For about three years
d.      For about five years

45.  …”the popular vote over the incumbent President Megawati Soekarnoputri”. The underlined word means….
a.       Not dependent on
b.      Be in her/his duty
c.       Not clearly defined
d.      Having no interest in

46.  Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is Indonesia’s …. President.
a.       Sixth
b.      Fifth
c.       Fourth
d.      third

text for question number 47 – 50
Last week, Valerie and her friends from SMP Perdamaian Surabaya, learned how to make donut in Ring Master Donuts and Coffee at Tunjungan Plaza, Surabaya.
         First, they listened to the story of Mister Ringo, the baker, and soon they had a trip to the kitchen. The baker showed them how to shape the donuts, to restore, to fry and add the donuts with various kinds of topping and filling.
        Finally, the students had their chance to make their own donuts. The baker only gave each them a piece of yellow dough and some flour. Amazingly, the students could make their own donuts.
47.  Where did the students go last week?
a.       To SMP Perdamaian Surabaya                         
b.      To Valerie’s Plaza
c.       To Mister Ringo                                        
d.      To Ring Master Donuts & Coffee

48.  Why did they visit there?
a.       To have some meals                                      
b.      To enjoy the special donuts
c.       To learn how to make donuts                          
d.      To see the process of making donuts

49.  Which of the followings are the things done by the students?
a.       They went to the kitchen, made the donuts and tried to sell them.
b.      They made the donuts, restore them and ate them with some coffee
c.       They listened to the story, went to the kitchen and made their own donuts
d.      They listened to the story, had some donuts and tried to make them

50.  Did Mister Ringo give the students any donuts?
a.       No, they did             
b.      Yes, they didn’t
c.       Yes, he did      
d.       No, he didn’t

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