Saturday, October 11, 2014

The errors made by the students in translation from Indonesia into English.

The errors made by the students are generally influenced by their transfer of their language in daily life and the poor of mastery of english grammar or structure.
About the learners errors research have found like FL (first language) learners errors most common of the errors is SL learner are :

1.      Omiting grammatical morphemes, which are items that do not contribute much to the meaning of sentences.
Example : she always late (incorrects)
Should be = “ she always lates” (correct)
“Dia selalu terlambat”
2.      Misordering item in constructions that require a reserve of word order rules that had been previously acquired.
Example : - What you are doing ? (incorrect)
  Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan ?
  What are you doing ? (correct)
-  What time it is ? (incorrect)
Pukul berapakah sekarang ?
What time is it ? (correct)
3.      Misinformation is characterize by the use of the wrong formm of the morphemes or structure, the learner supplied something, althought it is incorrect.
Example : The girl eated the fried chicken. (incorrect)
Gadis itu memakan daging ayam goreng.
The girl eats the fried chicken. (correct)

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